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富士施乐 亚太区巡回大型研讨会名Innovate 05


富士施乐将于3月8日举行一亚太区巡回大型研讨会名Innovate 05,第一站将会是香港。大会将邀请三位海外专家来港探讨数码印刷于设计界、印刷界及企业管理界之应用及行业趋势,题目及讲者资料如下:

Create Double Digit Growth for the Next 20 Years ~ by Eric R. Kenly
Topics incl.: An overview of digital technology’s impact on your customers , Next steps to sustained growth, Overview of the skill sets needed for creation, implementation and follow-up of new opportunities … etc.

Designing for Digital ~ by Y P Zhou
Topic incl.: Various levels and application of Variable Data Printing (VDP) , Basic design and production principles that are required to be successful for a digital printing campaign…etc.

Being Successful and Avoiding Digital Pitfalls ~ by David Bicknell
Topic incl.: The voice of the customer,??and “do’s and don’ts” in successfully adding digital technologies , Solutions and workflow innovations for growing your digital capabilities, How to identify the opportunities for value added services….etc

日期: 2005年3月8日(星期二)
地点: 香港君悦酒店 – Grand Ballroom
费用: HK$40

Time Agenda
09:30 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 10:25 Keynote speech
10:30 – 12:30 Seminar presentation by overseas industry experts
12:30 – 14:00 Light lunch and vendor fair visit
14:00 – 14:30 Firstround lucky draw
14:30 – 15:00 Fuji Xerox solution presentation
15:00 – 16:00 Adobe presentation
16:00 – 16:30 Second round lucky draw
